
Università degli Studi di Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE) – IT

UNIMORE (1175) is third oldest University in the world, and has always been ranked among the first Italian universities for quality of teaching and research since 2007. UNIMORE is a networked campus located in the towns of Modena and Reggio Emilia. It counts about 19000 students, including 3500 postgraduates, 900 faculty members, 8 PhD schools and 14 departments.

The project is implemented jointly by the softlab group at Engineering Department “Enzo Ferrari” (DIEF)  and by the Economics Department “Marco Biagi” (DEMB).

Key People

Francesco Guerra, coordinator, WP Leader
Margherita Russo,  Responsible of the team from DEMB
Maurizio Vincini
Laura Po, Project Task Leader
Matteo Paganelli, PhD Student
Paolo Sottovia, Research Fellow
Francesco Pagliacci, Research Fellow


Sidetrade shapes the future of customer engagement by empowering marketing, sales and finance teams to grow sales and accelerate cash using Artificial Intelligence.

With offices in Paris, Amsterdam, London, Birmingham and Dublin, the company serves the UK, Benelux and French market. With 45 engineers in R&D, 12 of them data scientists, Sidetrade is developing a unique platform for customer engagement.

Key People

François Bancilhon, WP Leader
Christian Frisch
Clément Chastagnol
Gaetan Le Frioul
Loic Petit

University of Milan (UMIL – UNIMONT) – IT

Centre of Applied Studies for the Sustainable Management and Protection of Mountain Areas – “GeSDiMont”

The mission of the University of Milan, established in 1924, is to contribute to society through the pursuit of teaching/education and research at the highest international levels of excellence. It is the only Italian member among the 21 prestigious Universities of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).
The Centre of Applied Studies for the Sustainable Management and Protection of Mountain Areas called “GeSDiMont” (UMIL) is an interdepartmental centre of the University of Milan, placed in the central IT Alps, that has a national mandate by the Italian University and Research Minister to promote and coordinate applied research and education activities on mountain issues at the national and international level. Its consolidate and growing network includes universities, economic players, institutions at all levels in Italy and abroad.

Key People

Anna Giorgi, UNIT Leader
Emanuela Zilio, Research Fellow
Stefano Sala, Research Fellow

“Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation (MESRI) – FR

The French Ministry Higher Education, Research and innovation (MESRI) designs and coordinates higher education,research and innovation policies. Over the last 10 years, many reforms have been implemented by the ministry to modify French higher education, innovation and research system: autonomy of public university and other measures to increase their role, development of project funding through the creation of the National research agency that allocate competitive funding for research, creation of an evaluation agency for research and higher education, development of an excellence program through the Program of Investments for the Future (Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir).

In short, 10 years ago, the French ministry had a wide range of activities regarding research and higher education: policy design, and deep involvement in financial and human resources management. Now, it focuses on policy design and strategic matters («Stratégie nationale de recherche » et « stratégie nationale de l’enseignement supérieur»). Naturally its internal investments on information processing, data management and other techniques are sharply increasing to improve decision making.

Key People

Frédéric Olland
Emmanuel Weisenburger, UNIT Leader

Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, Italy (MIUR) – IT

The Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (MIUR) is the key RTD policy actor and funding agency in Italy at state level.

MIUR is in charge to prepare and to submit the National Research Programme (PNR – Piano Nazionale della Ricerca) proposal to the Government and to directly manage it. In preparation of the PNR, MIUR adopted, on March 2013, a new strategic document called “Horizon 2020 Italy” aimed at defining a reference framework coherent with the European one. The 2015-2020 PNR, published on May 2016, sets out the priorities and coordination instruments of the whole national research and innovation system.

Besides, the Ministry, in charge of definition of strategic priorities in Research and higher education, has the following responsibilities: coordination, assessment and evaluation of the national university system and advanced training schools; supporting and fostering basic research in university and research institutions, programming intervention in public research institutions; coordination regulation and funding of national research institutions; coordination of the research activities promoted by other Ministries; monitoring and supporting the integration between the research system and industries; integration between public research and applied research; promoting and supporting research in the industry system; funding research programmes in the southern regions; promoting initiatives such as the Funds for the diffusion of scientific culture (PUS); enforcement of EU and international rules on university education. The Ministry also has key responsibilities for international co-operation. It concludes bi- and multilateral agreements on research and technology collaboration and is in charge of co-ordinating Italy’s participation in the European Union’s Framework Programme.

Key People

Aldo Covello
Gianluigi Consoli, UNIT Leader
Domenico De Martinis